Kamus Jepang

by Bali Media

Books & Reference


Best Japanese language dictionary in Android, it can be used without internet

Aplikasi penerjemah kata atau kalimat dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Jepang atau sebaliknya, untuk menerjemahkan dari bahasa Jepang dibutuhkan Japan KeyboardFitur- Penerjemah kata offline- Penerjemah online: Membutuhkan koneksi internet, fitur ini dapat menerjemahkan kata maupun kalimat yang panjang- Salin dan Share: Dengan fitur ini anda dapat melakukan share terjemahan ke berbagai aplikasi atau menyalin hasil terjemahan;- Text to Speech: Anda dapat mendengarkan pengucapan kata atau kalimat hasil terjemahan- Pencarian yang sangat cepatApplications translator word or phrase from Indonesian to Japanese or vice versa, to translate from Japanese needed Japan Keyboardfeatures- Translators says offline- Translator online: Requires an internet connection, this feature can translate words and long sentences- Copy and Share: With this feature you can share your translation to a variety of applications or a copy of the translation;- Text to Speech: You can listen to the pronunciation of a word or phrase translation results- Searches very fast

Read trusted reviews from application customers


Charlitos W.I.S.

formerly it's app so good but i don't know what havenning it goes worse, i can not translate again... that also wasting my time to translate only some words or singlE word of japanese or bahasa please fix it

heikida arito

Kosakata yang dimiliki terlalu sedikit. Tidak bisa upgrade atau menyimpan kosakata baru.

Seonghwa Flex

idk its bad for me cuz not all the sentence in japanese can be translate into another language and i think people are not japanese are hard to get the sentence they want tho and its just my opinion so ye..

Naila Fairuz K

Like itπŸ‘

Uchiha sensei

Thank you i like it

Andraya Sekar Lovara Raya


jolodong dong

Too much adds



Fauzan Nadhir Misbah

Theme gelap gan... Buat default theme nya

Jetstream Sam